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Training Out and About Cyprus

FrIMG_0198om 17 till 22 December 2014 Huis voor Beweging trained 21 participants of the countries Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Serbia in the course Out and About. The course was organised by YEU Cyprus (youth for exchange & understanding) in the Erasmus+ program.

The goal of the course: To empower participants to use a variety of outdoor and indoor activities based on different theoretical concepts, to discover and develop their leadership skills and to ultimately deepen their knowledge on how to empower other youngsters to use sports within an inclusive context.

De topics in the course were:
– Outdoor activities & youth work
– Learning styles
– Experential learning & informal learning
– Communication
– Peer education
– Healthy lifestyle
– Intercultural relationships

It was an inspiring course with the topics given and experience and knowledge from the participants. It was an intensive 6 day course with lots of practice, outdoor activities and intercultural experiences.
We thank all participants and YEU Cyprus for making this course work.

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